Take a stroll down N. Church Street and take in the vibrant mural celebrating the Town's sesquicentennial.
"It's telling a story 150 years in the making," said Mayor Miles Atkins.
Muralists Sydney Duarte and Treazy Treaz painted their creation along the 200-foot parking lot wall late last year. The Town's history is showcased throughout the mural, including a race car to represent "Race City USA" and a dime to honor Mooresville artist Selma Burke (her portrait of President Franklin D. Roosevelt graces the dime). "Murals can really transform a space and bring so much life," said muralist Sydney Duarte.
You can hear more from the Mayor, Duarte, as well as Commissioner Houston in the video below. And don't forget to check out the mural in person along N. Church Street near E. Iredell Avenue.